Service has always been a way of life for Marsha Morgan. She is a founding member of the Birmingham Change Fund, a giving circle founded in 2004, which she credits for
changing the trajectory of how she defined philanthropy and her role as a philanthropist. She is an Advisory Board Member of the Community Investment Network, a national network of 30
giving circles impacting African Americans and communities of color. Members of the Community Investment Network believe in leveraging their collective resources of
time, talent, treasure, and testimony to create change in their local communities.
She is actively engaged in her community as a member of several professional and civic organizations, including the Tennessee State University National Alumni
Association, Birmingham Change Fund, National Society of Black Engineers, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and the Birmingham (AL) Chapter of The Links,
Incorporated. In addition, she also is a member of the Advisory Council for Philanthropy Together and served as a member of the Co-Design Team that
launched the initiative to scale and strengthen the collective giving movement.
A Mechanical Engineer by trade, Marsha's professional background in the energy industry includes engineering, regulatory compliance, project management, and
corporate philanthropy roles. She is an avid reader, loves to travel, championing giving circles, and minorities and women in STEM. Her philanthropic philosophy is
rooted in a quote by Maya Angelou, 'When you learn, teach, when you get, give.